DigitalChalk: New Video Element Type + Course Revisit Options Update

This session focused on New Video Element Type plus an update to Course Revisit options in DigitalChalk.

1. New Video Element Type: Videos continue to grow in popularity. Whether you have videos you want to showcase on the platform (e.g., for promoting, informing, motivating, guiding, or many other purposes) or are looking for inspiration to create and share video content, we unveiled a new Video Element Type this week. 

See how this new Video Element Type will work on DigitalChalk and explore the possibilities. (Note that the new video element type applies to content that is video media only and will not replace the Chalkboard Element type.)

2. Course Revisits: This is a useful feature for students who have completed a course, but may want to revisit some of the course material after completion. Students may want to look back as a general refresher or in preparation for a related course or test.

We have made some updates to the options for Course Revisits. See what’s new and consider how you might leverage this function with your current and former students. 

Author: Carrie Brown

At DigitalChalk we seek to improve lives through the Power of Knowledge. If you have any questions, or comments, please reach out to
