This session featured Promotions.

We all inherently know when we’re being sold to, and yet still give in to sales, specials, discounts, promotions, and alluring subject lines. It could be the price; timing; solution to a problem, need, or opportunity; or some combination of factors. Whatever the motivation, don’t be left out. Learn how to leverage Promotions through DigitalChalk to market your courses.

A natural continuation of last week’s discussion on Discounts, in this video we’ll show you:

● the kinds of Promotions (including cross-selling and upselling),

● how Promotions show up differently in the platform, and

● different ways to target Promotions. We then briefly touch on how Promotions can be combined with last week’s Discount topic, and will fully feature that intersection in next week’s Office Hours.

Author: Carrie Brown

At DigitalChalk we seek to improve lives through the Power of Knowledge. If you have any questions, or comments, please reach out to
